After listening to the President give The State of the Union, I will give him this - he is an excellent speaker, very charismatic and he knows how to get an emotional response. Hell even I was moved. But I remember that every year he promises many of the same things, or he re-words things to make them sound better to the American People. And as I predicted he had to throw in his Executive Orders, if congress did not work together, a bully tactic and threat to congress. However to the average person watching it sounds like he is swooping in as the good guy. NOT TRUE! If congress doesn't pass something HE approves that's when the Executive Orders and his dictator pen come out.
Many of those "tax reforms" code word - TAX HIKES, guess what folks the tax hikes that were only promised on the rich, they are being applied to everyone. Did you take a look at your first pay check of 2013? If not I encourage you to do so.
I get it, I get why people are so enthralled by this man, they only hear him speak. Like I said, he almost had me believing his lies tonight. But it is time for America to wake up. The President was right about one thing, it's not to late - WE CAN STILL CHANGE THIS AROUND!
We are not going to have a strong military, we are not going to cut our deficit, if the minimum wage is going to raised, well there goes even more jobs. The President did a great job tonight of putting on a Pro-American front. Yet almost everything he has done, has been just the opposite.
For those that bought into his lies, well good for you. It is only a matter of time before (it is still a mystery to me how people cannot see what is already happening to this country) the full impact of what this President is doing to this country will begin to effect everyone, and not only you, but your children and their children will feel the impacts. The days of our rights are slowly being taken from us, from the right to choose our health care to the right to bear arms. Legislation is being looked at to tax those who bought energy efficient cars, yet not so long ago, you were given a tax break, now you'll be taxed.
So I say Mr. President put your money where your mouth is, where the hell are our jobs? Where is the deficit you were supposed to cut in half? Where the HELL is your budget? Isn't it the law? Oh, but far be it from me to tell you how to run your country, the country you are running into the ground. But how dare anyone speak out against you.
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." - George Orwell
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A New World Order, or 2013?
Americas gather tonight to watch President Obama give the first State of Union address
of his second term, I have to wonder what will be on people’s minds.
impending sequesters, the massive cuts and it will mean on our defense budget, among
others? The 7.9% unemployment rate that has been at a standstill for the past
three months or the slow economic growth and our astounding debt. Not the mention that we still have not regained our downgraded
status. Or that growth was adjusted for all of 2012 based on two good spending
months we had over the holidays.
maybe the use of drones that are being used to kill Americans overseas without
just cause, but the fact the our President is willing to give terrorists such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Walid bin Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi the same rights as American citizens are to be given such as due process in a court of law.
Even though these same terrorists gave no such regards to the American’s and innocent
people they killed in the name of Islam.
Will Americans be thinking about their 2nd amendment rights and the 23 Executive Orders the President has asked for on Gun Control because “It needs to be done now”? But with closer examination it has been established that none of those 23 Executive Orders would have done nothing to stop that awful shootings in Newton CT. What about Obama Care, or is it the Affordable Health Care Act? This is now proving to be more expensive, in both raised taxes, fees and all around premiums. I don’t recall having a vote in that either.
There is more promise of Executive Orders from the President “if congress can’s get something passed soon” There is speculation that the President plans to get this message across tonight in The State of the Union, in front of all America to watch. What a shrewd move, don’t you think?
After all why would we want to upset an already fragile economy? At least that is what you will hear Mr. President say tonight.
What you won’t hear is fault in the growth of the economy and jobs; you will hear that we are on a (false) road to recovery. You won’t hear about the taxes he needs to pass to pay for spending that hasn’t even taken place yet, but is promised. You won’t hear about how the massive cuts in our defense have put our Nation at a weakness.
Now after many warnings N. Korea launched their 3rd nuclear test, and many are surprised.
In the Presidents first term the world watched, they waited to see how this president would act toward foreign and domestic policy. The Arab spring took place and America calmly took a back seat for once, jumping in only once. New leaders arose in the Middle East, nuclear threats were tested, and America’s relationship with Israel was strained. All the while the world watched as the American people seemed to worship a new God. In one swift move we managed to capture Osama Bin Laden, but even that was so fast it was like it didn’t even happen. America’s prosper didn’t seem to be as it once was, and the Great Nation was staying out of foreign policy or so it seemed.
September 11, 2012 The American Diplomatic mission in Benghazi was attacked by Islamist militants. Four people were murdered, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Once again there was little response for the White House. Despite calls for investigations and even impeachment of the president AFTER he was re-elected, today, February 12, 2012, the families have received no closure from these attacks.
As the President enters his second term, the world waited and watched throughout his first term. The world watched as the President cut back America’s defense and military, despite being in an unstable environment, with possible nuclear arms. The world watch as America did nothing in retaliation to attacks on American targets. The world watched as this new President cut back our nuclear program to half of what it has ever been, despite the clear warnings of a nuclear threat from N. Korea and Iran. The World watched with wonder as the people of America were putty in the new Presidents hands, despite his slow economic job growth and his inability to get little accomplished in his first term.
I have put off writing in this blog for a while, and believe me it’s not for lack of content. I have been so overwhelmed with information I had no idea where to start. There are so many issues that we are facing going into this Presidents 2nd term. Will people wake up and see what is truly going on? I can understand that most people probably don’t spend hours reading and researching daily like I do, it’s also part of why I have been unable to get anything written down in here. But all it takes is to look up a few things and click on a few credible sources within there and you will find that we are in a shit ton of trouble and if America doesn’t wake up, when the alarm does go off it will be screaming in your face.
~ K@tes
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